Teal with sparkle

Izgleda da u zadnje vrijeme post ne može proći bez da se žalim na nešto :). Ovaj put su to muke sa fotografijama, odnosno "hvatanjem" realne boje laka. Svi koji su nekad slikali plavi, ljubičasti ili zeleni lak će vjerovatno znati o čemu pričam. A gori od te tri boje može biti samo lak koji je nešto izmedju zelene ili plave. Moram da kažem da sam pokušala sa dva fotoaparata i telefonom i nije mi uspjelo... Ali mi je uprkos tome bilo žao da vam ne pokažem nove šljokice i jedan od omiljenih lakova.

Seems that lately posts are not complete without complaining about something :) This time I had troubles with photographing the real color of varnish. Everyone who was once photographed blue, purple or green nail polish will probably know what I mean. A worse than these three colors can be just polish that is something between green and blue. I must say that I tried with two cameras and a telephone and did not succeed ...But, I was sorry not to show you my new glitter polish and one of my favorite cream polishes.

Koristila sam Flormar 429 i Golden Rose 318. GR sadrži sitne šljokice koje u zavisnosti od svjetlosti izgledaju plavo ili zeleno. Mislim da se to na ovoj slici vidi, a i boja laka je prilično realna (uživo je malo više zelen).

I used Flormar 429 and Golden Rose 318. GR contains small glitter which can look green or blue, depending on the lightning. I think you can see that on the picture above. Teal polish color is also pretty much real, it's just a bit greener live.

Šljokice sam sam nanosila spužvicom....

I sponged the tips with glitter polish....

Na zadnjoj fotografiji je najrealnija boja.
U želji da vam pokažem pravu boju tražila sam uzorke (swatcheve) po internetu, ali na svim slikama koje sam našla izgleda plavo... Izgleda da nisam samo ja imala problema sa "hvatanjem" boje :)

On the last photo, color is the most realistic. 
Wishing to show you the right color I was looking for the online swatches, but on all pictures I found it looks blue...I ques I'm not the only one who had problems with "capturing" color :)

Till next time...