Golden Rose Jolly Jewels - Swatches

Kao što sam i obećala u prošlom postu, danas vam donosim swatcheve Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lakova. Nisam htjela da ih pokazujem posebno jer nemam namjeru da ih nosim bez podloge. Razlog je to što ne volim da se vidi nokat ispod laka, a i toliko mi se sviđaju da mi je prosto šteta trošiti puno laka na jedno lakiranje :D.
A evo i koje sam odabrala...

Like I said in my previous post, today I bring you swatches of my Golden Rose Jolly Jewels nail polishes. I didn't want to swatch them individually because I don't intend to wear them on their own. The reason is that I don't like when you can see the nail through nail polish, and I like these beauties so much that I don't want to waste them by applying multiple coats :D
Here are the ones I chose...

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 106

I kod nas u Banjaluku su konačno stigli Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lakovi :). Moram priznati da sam već pomislila da će nas ova kolekcija zaobići, ali na sreću nije. Ne znam da li je riječ o limitiranoj kolekciji za praznike, ili će činiti dio stalnog asortimana ali dolaze u 17 (sedamnaest) predivnih šljokičastih nijansi. Ovdje možete vidjeti koje su to. 
Ja sam, za početak, izabrala četiri: 103 ,106, 108, 115. Slike i swatcheve (ako neko zna našu riječ za ovo neka da prijedlog :D) ćete vidjeti u narednom postu, a u ovom ću vam pokazati samo jednog od njih. Radi se o nijansi 106, koju sam najviše željela. 

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels finally arrived in Banjaluka :) I must admit that I already thought that this collection will not come at all, but luckily that didn't happen. I don't know whether it is a holiday limited edition, or it'll be a part of the permanent product range. They come in 17 beautiful glittery shades. You can see them here.
I chose four of them: 103, 106, 108, 115. Pictures and swatches will be in the next post, and in this one I'll show you just one. It's 106 shade, which I wanted the most.


Bilo je krajnje vrijeme da i na moje nokte napada snijeg :) Inspiraciju za današnji manikir sam našla kod Palčice na Litlle things that make me happy (klik) blogu, i hvala joj na tome :*. Ovako (klik) izgleda njena izvedba, a moju ćete vidjeti u nastavku...
Jako mi se svidjela i kombinacija boja, pa nisam htjela ništa mijenjati. Koristila sam: Golden Rose Graffiti 01, Flormar 400, Flormar 431 i Flormar 392. 

It's about time to have some snowflakes on my nails :) Inspiration for this manicure I found at Palčica's blog Litlle things that make me happy (click), and I want to thank her for that :*. This is (click) how the original manicure looks, and you'll see mine below...
I love the color combination too, so I didn't want to change anything. I used: Golden Rose Graffiti 01, Flormar 400, Flormar 431 and Flormar 392.

Flormar Duochrome

Svaki put kada zavirim u svoju kutiju sa lakovima nađem nešto što nikada nisam nosila. Tako je bilo i sa ovim Flormar Duochrome lakom. Kupila sam ga prije mjesec dana, a tada je odprilike Duochrome kolekcija i stigla u moj grad. Od sedam različitih nijansi izabrala sam DC05 čiji ćete swatch vidjeti u nastavku, a ostale koje Flormar ima u ponudi možete vidjeti ovdje (mislim da bi DC02 mogao biti dupe za Chanel Peridot). Cijena ovog laka je 4 KM (oko 2 EUR). Mislila sam uzeti bar još jedan ali zbog skoro tri puta veće cijene u odnosu na standardnu postavu lakova, nisam. Pogotovo jer su na tom štandu gdje sam kupila skuplji nego u ostalim prodavnicama koje drže Flormar.

Every time I look into my polish box I find something that I never wore. This Flormar Duochrome was one of those nail polishes, too. I bought it a month ago, exactly when Duochrome collection arrived in my city. I chose the DC05 shade and you'll see the swatch in this post. The other shades from this collection you can see here (I think that DC02 could be dupe for Chanel Peridot) . The price of this polish is about 2 EUR.

Another gradient

Napravila sam još jedan gradient, samo ovaj put malo drugačiji. Ranije ste imali prilike da vidite ovaj šljokičasti i ovaj koji je najobičniji gradient možda malo neobičnije kombinacije boja. Sada sam malo eksperimentisala, pa sam gradient napravila dijagonalno.

I made another gradient. Only this time it's a little bit different. In my earlier posts you could see this sparkle gradient and this ordinary one. Now I've experimented and I made ​​a diagonal gradient.

Starry night sky

Moj omiljeni šljokičasti lak, Golden Rose br.318, po treći put na blogu :). Mogli ste ga vidjeti u ovoj i ovoj (klik) kombinaciji, ali tek sada sam uspjela "uhvatiti" njegovu pravu ljepotu. Pa pogledajte...

My favorite glitter nail polish, Golden Rose No.318, in a blog post for the third time :). You had an opportunity to see it here and here (click), but now I finally "caught" his real beauty. Take a look...

Golden Rose Rich Color 21

Konačno je došao na red i najljepši (meni :)) Rich Color lak. Radi se o divnoj malinastoj nijansi br.21 koja je definitivno moj favorit među Golden Rose Rich Color lakovima koje posjedujem.

Finally, here's the swatch of the most beautiful (to me :)) Rich Color nail polish. It's a gorgeous raspberry color no. 21 which is definitely my favorite among the Golden Rose Rich Color lacquers I own.

Golden Rose Rich Color 22

Naravno, nastavljam sa swatchevima Golden Rose Rich Color lakova. Danas je na red došao broj 22, divna tamno crvena nijansa koja je mnogo ljepša na noktima nego u bočici.

Of course, this post is about Golden Rose Rich Color swatches too. Today I'll show you No. 22, lovely dark red color, which is much nicer on the nails than in the bottle.

Golden Rose Rich Color 18

U prošlom postu sam vam pokazala svoje Golden Rose novitete, i nekako je zeleni lakić dobio najviše komentara pa ću vam danas njega i pokazati. Doduše, slike nisu ispale baš najbolje i najrealnije ali šta je tu je. Stvarno sam se trudila i slikala sa dva fotoaparata i jednim telefonom (tačno 78 puta :D) na svim mogućim uslovima osvjetljenja i nisam uspjela dobiti potpuno realnu boju.
Kako god, evo fotografija...

In my last post I've shown you my Golden Rose novelties, and somehow the green nail polish received the most comments so today I'll show it to you. Though, the pictures did not turn out very well. I have really tried and took photos with two cameras and one smartphone on all possible lighting conditions and I didn't cought the real color.
However, here are the photos...

Golden Rose Rich Color

Nisam sigurna jesu li vam dosadni takozvani swatch postovi, ali ove nove ljubimce naprosto moram podjeliti sa vama :) Ovaj put riječ je o novim Golden Rose Rich Color lakovima. Ono po čemu se razlikuju od ostalih Golden Rose lakova je široka četkica koja omogućava jednostavno nanošenje, odlična pigmentacija i nova četvrtasta bočica sa kojom sam oduševljena. Na njima piše da je dovoljan jedan sloj za potpuno pokrivanje, ali to naravno zavisi od nijanse. Cijena je 2,50 KM (oko 1,30 EUR), i za nju dobijete 10,5 ml laka.

Evo koje sam ja odbrala...S lijeva na desno: 18, 26, 21, 22.

I'm not sure if you find these swatch posts boring, but I have to share these beauties with you :) This time I'll talk about new Golden Rose Rich Color nail polishes. Things that make them different from other Golden Rose polishes are: wide brush for very easy application, excellent pigmentation and the new square shaped bottle which I'm delighted with. The bottle says that one coat will give you full coverage, but of course it depends on a shade. The price is about 1,30 EUR, and you get 10,5 ml of product.

Here are the ones I chose...From left to right: 18, 26, 21, 22.

Essence - Modern Romance

Vjerujem da ste svi već upoznati sa novim Essence asortimanom, a pogotovo sa Color & Go lakovima koji nam od septembra dolaze u novim, ljepšim bočicama i nešto većoj količini nego što je ranije bio slučaj. Sada umjesto 5 ml bočica sadrži 8 ml, a cijena je 3,55 KM (oko 1,75 EUR). Nisam sigurna da li je i cijena promjenjena u odnosu na staru n. Pored bočice i mililitraže, promjenjena je i četkica. Sada je nešto šira, slična četkicama koje imaju noviji Miss Sporty i Golden Rose Rich Color lakovi. Pokušala sam i da uslikam kako izgleda u poređenju sa starom Essence četkicom, pa evo slika...

I believe you all familiar with Essence new assortment, especially Colour & Go nail polishes. Now they have a new, prettier bottles and a little larger amount than they used to. Instead of 5ml now you get 8ml for the price of 1.75 EUR. I'm not sure if the price got changed. Besides the bottle and the amount, they have a different brush too. It's a bit wider than it used to be, very similar to the one from Miss Sporty and Golden Rose Rich Color polishes. I tried to compare it with the old Essence brush, so here is the picture...

Pink leopard nails

Inače nisam neki ljubitelj životinjskih uzoraka kada se radi o odjeći, obući, aksesoaru i sl., ali kada se radi o noktima uvijek mi je bilo zanimljivo i lijepo vidjeti na drugima pa sam se odlučila da konačno pokušam na svojim noktima. Za svoj prvi animal print odabrala sam rozu boju jer sam ujedno htjela da probam novi Flormar Supershine #29 koji sam koristila kao bazu. Roze i crne flekice sam radila lakovima: Flormar 407 i Flormar 313.

Usually I'm not a big fan of animal print when it comes to clothes, shoes, accessories etc., but when it's about nails I always found it interesting and beautiful on others so I decided to give it a try. For my first animal print design I chose pink color because I wanted to try out my new Flormar Supershine #29 which I used as a base color. Pink and black spots are made with: Flormar 407 and Flormar 313. 

Lavender nails with dots

Nemam puno toga za napisati o kombinaciji koju trenutno imam na noktima, osim da sam kao bazu koristila jedan od Gabrini lakića koji već neko vrijeme stoje neisprobani i da sam ga odlučila ukrasiti sa nešto tačkica za koje sam koristila dva Flormar laka.

I don't have much to say about combination that's currently on my nails, except that as a base color I used one of the Gabrini nail polishes that are in my collection for a while but still unused and that I decided to decorate it with dots using the two Flormar nail polishes.

Eveline 495

Ovo mi je prvi Eveline lak. Iako njihov lak za jačanje koristim već mjesecima, nikada do sada nisam obratila pažnju na obične lakove. Kako god, ovaj mjesec su bili na sniženju pa sam kupila nijansu #495. Radi se o predivnoj nude nijansi roskastog podtona sa mikro šimerom koji je skoro pa nevidljiv. Mislim da je redovna cijena ovih lakova oko 2,5 EUR, a ja sam ovaj platila 1,5 EUR. Eveline kozmetiku u Banjaluci možete naći u Didaco šopovima.

This is my first Eveline nail polish. Although I'm using strengthening polish of this brand for months, I had never paid the attention to regular nail polishes. However, this month they were on sale so I bought the #495 shade. It's beautiful nude polish with pink undertone and almost invisible micro shimmer. The regular price of these polishes is about 2,5 EUR, but I paid it 1,5 EUR. 

Kiwi nails

Manikir koji ću vam danas pokazati uopšte nije karakterističan za mene jer ne volim voćne (i druge prehrambene :D) motive na noktima, ali ovo je nešto posebno i prosto sam morala da probam. Za inspiraciju mi je poslužio ovaj video. Znam da moja izvedba nije ni blizu toliko dobra kao ova, ali ipak evo fotografije...

Today I'll show you manicure that totally is not characteristic for me because I don't like fruity (or any other food :D) pattern on nails, but this is something so cute that I couldn't resist not to do it. This video was my inspiration. I know that my manicure isn't so good as this one, but I'm going to show you... 

Simple purple layering

Prvo se moram požaliti da su mi opet popucali nokti i da sam morala maksimalno da ih skratim. Iz tog razloga nekoliko dana nisam lakirala nokte, već ih samo mazala kremicama i Eveline 8u1 lakom ne bi li se što prije oporavili. Kako nisam ljubitelj kratkih noktiju (na sebi), nisam imala inspiracije a ni volje za nekim zahtjevnijim manikurama pa sam se odlučila da konačno probam Gabrini šljokice koje su stajale netaknute više od mjesec dana. Radi se o Gabrini Multivitamin laku broj 405. A kao podlogu sam koristila Flormar Neon N009 koji ste imali prilike da vidite u ovom postu. 

First I must complain that few of my nails broke again, and I had to cut them all down. Because of that I didn't wear a nail polish for a week. The only thing I wore these days was Eveline 8u1, and of course some nail creams. I wanted them to recover as fast as possible. Since I don't like to have short nails inspiration for nail art is gone too :), so I decided to try the Gabrini glitter that stood intact for more than a month. It's Gabrini Multivitamin No. 405 nail polish. As a base I used Flormar Neon N009 which you could already see in this post. 

Crackle in a new way :)

Potaknuta onim što sam prošle sedmice nosila na noktima, malo sam tražila po internetu kombinacije sa crackle lakovima. Imam ih par, ali nekako sam sve kombinacije koje su mi pale na pamet isprobala pa većinom stoje i skupljaju prašinu. I, naravno da sam našla nešto što je meni bilo jako zanimljivo i što sam odmah morala probati :).
A evo i fotografija...

My last week manicure induced me to look for some crackle combinations on the internet. Since I own a few crackles and all of the combinations I could think of were on my nails, crackles are mostly standing and collecting dust. Of course I found an interesting idea online and I had to try it right away :). 
Here are the photos...

Dark purple and white crackle

Iako je pomama za crackle lakovima na neki način prošla, meni su još uvijek zanimljivi i volim ih vidjeti na noktima. Kombinacija koju ja jako volim kada je u pitanju crackle je ljubičasta i bijela boja. U današnjoj kombinaciji ljubičasti dio čini Catrice - Times square at midnight (iz stare Glamourama limitirane kolekcije), a bijeli Golden Rose Graffiti 01

Although the crackle fever is over in some way, I still like them. A combination that I prefer when it comes to the crackle is purple and white color. In this combination the purple part is Catrice - Times square at midnight (Glamourama LE), and the white one is Golden Rose Graffiti 01.

Sparkle gradient

U zadnje vrijeme sam pisala o nekim (meni) zanimljivim lakovima koje mi je bilo žao kvariti, pa mi je malo nedostajao nail art. A kako je gradient jedna od najjednostavnijih metoda ukrašavanja noktiju, odlučila sam se da ga ponovo uradim. Ovaj put izbor je pao na plavu boju, a lakovi koje sam koristila su: Flormar 423, Catrice-Blue Cara Ciao i Golden Rose 318. 

Last few posts I was writing about some interesting (to me) nail polishes, so I missed nail art. Since gradient is one of the simplest methods, I decided to do it again. This time I chose blue colors, and I used: Flormar 423, Catrice-Blue Cara Ciao and Golden Rose 318.

OPI Wooden shoe like to know?

Stigao je moj prvi OPI! To je ustvari rođendanski poklon od  mog D. koji je došao sa zakašnjenjem od par sedmica. Nijansa je Wooden Shoe Like To Know?, a dio je proljetne OPI Holland kolekcije za 2012. godinu. Dugo sam tražila baš takvu smeđu nijansu, i prvi put kada sam vidjela slike kolekcije znala sam da ga moram imati. Iako je dio proljetne kolekcije mislim da je savršen za jesen. Bojom sam oduševljena, još je ljepši nego što sam očekivala pa evo i par fotografija: 

My first OPI has arrived! It's a birthday present from my D., which came a few weeks later. The shade I chose is Wooden Shoe Like To Know?, and it's part of the OPI Holland Collection for spring 2012. I was looking for shade like this for a long time, and I was thrilled when I saw first swatches. Even if it's part of the spring collection I think it's perfect for autumn. I love the color, it's even more beautiful than I expected. Here are the photos: 

Flormar Supershine 50

Lak koji ću vam danas pokazati imam već par mjeseci, a ovo je prvi put da ga nosim. Ne dešava mi se to često sa lakovima i rijedak je slučaj da neki lak tako dugo ostane neisproban. Vjerujem da je razlog to što ga nemam s čim kombinovati. 
Kao i svi lakovi iz Flormar Supershine kolekcije ima odličnu formulu, lijepo se maže i za potpunu pokrivenost je potreban jedan deblji ili dva tanja sloja. Ja uvijek nanosim dva, bez obzira na pigmentaciju. Nekako imam osjećaj da mi nokti ostanu nedovršeni sa samo jednim slojem :)
Boja mi se jako sviđa, a pošto ja nisam najbolja u opisivanju, evo par fotografija :)

Today I'll show you nail polish that I own for a few months and this is the first time I wear it. Usually, when I have some new polishes I can't wait to try them out. I believe the reason for not trying it for so long is that I really don't own any green clothes or accessories. 
This nail polish has a great formula, it's very easy to apply and with two thin layers or one thicker you'll get full coverage. I can say all Flormar Supershine nail polishes have the same features. I always apply two coats, regardless of pigmentation. Somehow, I have a feeling that my nails are undone if there is only one coat of nail polish on them :)
I really like this color, and since I'm not the best in describing them, here are the photos :)

The Yellow - Flormar 420

Naslov sve govori. Ovo je prvi put da nosim ovakvu boju na noktima, i jedva sam  čekala da podijelim sličice sa vama. Istina, ljeto je već na izmaku i polako se vraćaju jesenje boje lakova ali nisam mogla da odolim a da ga ne probam. I ovaj lak mi je kupio moj D. ( stalno se žali kako nikad ne nosim one koje on kupi :)) 

Title says everything. This is the first time I'm wearing this color on my nails, and I was so impatient to share pictures with you. I know that summer is almost gone but I couldn't resist not to try this beautiful yellow nail polish. My D. bought it for me ( he's complaining all the time that I don't wear anything he buys).

Ruffian Manicure

Danas ću vam pokazati ruffian manikir koji sam nosila zadnjih nekoliko dana. Vjerujem da svi znate šta je ruffian i kako se radi, ali evo jedan fantastičan tutorial sa Lacquerized bloga. Ono što vam treba za ovaj manikir su dva laka i jako mirna ruka :). Ja sam, naravno, koristila Flormar lakove i to: Flormar Neon N002 i Flormar Spring & Summer 2012  #436. Mirnu ruku, nažalost, nisam imala :D.

Today I'm going to show you ruffian manicure I was wearing for the last few days. I believe you all know what is it and how you can make it, but here's one awesome tutorial from Laquerized blog. For this manicure you will need two nail polishes and a very steady hand :). I used Flormar nail polishes: Flormar Neon N002 and Flormar Spring & Summer 2012  #436. Steady hand, unfortunately, I didn't have :D

Dotting manicure with Flormar 2012

U ovom postu ću vam pokazati još jedan Flormar iz Summer & Spring 2012 kolekcije, a pošto mi je nekako dosadno nositi sam lak odlučila sam da po prvi put pokušam sa tačkicama. U kući imam samo jednu tačkalicu (essence) i nikada prije je nosim koristila, osim za water marble.

In this post I'll show you another Flormar Spring & Summer 2012 nail polish. These days I don't like wearing a simple polished nails, so I decided to decorate it with some dots. I have only one dotting tool (by essence) and I never used it before, except for water marble. 

Flormar 2012

U prošlom postu sam spomenula kako je u naš grad stigla Flormar kolekcija lakova za proljeće/ljeto 2012, a i koristila sam jedan od njih za manikir. Danas ću vam pokazati jedan od onih koje sam dobila na poklon, a koji mi je na prvi pogled zapao za oko. Moram opet da spomenem da bih bila jako sretna kada bi Flormar svojim lakovima dao imena, jer ih svakako zaslužuju :D Uglavnom, ovaj put Flormar 2012 br.444.

In my last post I mentioned how we got Flormar 2012 spring/summer collection, and I used one of them for my last manicure. Today I am going to show you one of those I got as a gift. I must mention, again, I would be very happy when Flormar would give their polish names because these beauties deserve them :D Look at this lovely fuchsia nail polish, no. 444 (Flormar 2012).

Flormar 2012 & Braided nails

Stigli su nam Flormar 2012 Spring & Summer lakovi!!! Vidjela sam ih prije nekoliko dana u Tempu na Flormar štandu i odmah uzela dva komada. Za manikir koji ću vam danas pokazati sam koristila jedan od njih: Flormar 446. Divna krem nijansa izmedju ljubičaste i plave, savršeno se maže i dovoljan je jedan sloj za potpunu pokrivenost (ja uvijek stavljam dva, iz navike :)). Pored ovog laka, za braided akcent nokat, koristila sam i Gabrini Elegant 396 i Flormar 313

We got Flormar 2012 Spring and Summer nail polishes!!! I saw them a few days ago, and bought two pieces right away. For the manicure I'm going to show you today, I used one of them: Flormar 446. It's a beautiful cream color between blue and purple (blurple :)) with perfect  formula and one coat is enough for full coverage. Beside this nail polish, I used Gabrini Elegant 396 and Flormar 313 for my accent nail. 

Harlequin Hardware Manicure in my way :)

Prvo da vas upozorim na dužinu posta i količinu fotografija u njemu, pa da krenemo dalje na manikir :) Vjerovatno ste ranije čuli za ovo, ali evo da ukratko napišem o čemu se radi. Harlequin Hardware Maniicure je prvi put urađena za potrebe Diego Binetti show-a (kolekcija proljeće/ljeto 2012), a uradila ju je profesionalna šminkerica i manikirka Candice Manacchio koja je inače ambasadorica CND brenda čiji su lakovi i korišteni za manikir. Link na slike koje su mi poslužile kao ispiracija.
Pošto nisam bila sigurna na koji način je ona uradila Harlequin Hardware, odlučila sam da pokušam na svoj način.

First, let me warn you :) This is going to be one long and "picture overload" post! Now, let's move on to the manicure. Probably you've heard of this type of manicure before, but I think it's good to mention what is all about. Harlequin Hardware manicure first time showed up on Diego Binetti Show for spring/summer 2012, and it was done by professional nail & makeup artist Candice Manacchio, which is also a CND's ambassador. She used CND polishes for the manicure. Link to the inspiration pictures.
Since I didn't know how she did the Harlequin Hardware, I decided to do it in my way.

Gradient nails

U današnjem postu ću vam pokazati gradient koji trenutno imam na noktima. Mislim da sam ga radila i ranije dok nisam imala blog, ali ovo je prvi s kojim sam zadovoljna. Doduše, prelazi su mogli biti malo blaži :D
Koristila sam, kao i u većini slučajeva, Flormar lakove. Oba laka ste već imali priliku vidjeti na blogu, a radi se o nijansama N009 i 408.

Today I'll show you gradient I'm currently wearing on my nails. I think I've done it earlier until I had a blog, but this is the first one I'm satisfied with. Well, it could be better "blended" :D
I used, as usual, Flormar nail polishes. Both of them you could see in my previous posts, and the shades are N009 and 408.

Check matte nails

Dugo sam bila u potrazi za mat nadlakom. Nažalost, propustila sam priliku da kupim Catrice ili Essence o kojima sam čitala dosta recenzija, pa sam tražila medju ostalim brendovima koji su mi dostupni. Prije nekoliko dana, našla sam ga na polici Miss Sporty kozmetike pod nazivom Check Matte. Jedva sam čekala da ga probam, pa sam izabrala ovu kombinaciju ispod.

I've been looking for a matte top coat for a long time. Unfortunately, I missed the chance when Catrice and Essence had it so I had to look among the other drugstore brands. A few days ago, I found it on Miss Sporty cosmetics shelf under name Check Matte. I couldn't wait to try it out, so I chose this combination bellow.

Blue holo

Nisam bila kod kuće nekoliko dana i bila sam bez interneta pa nisam ništa postala proteklih dana. A moram priznati da nisam bila ni pretjerano kreativna pa evo već pet dana nosim ovu kombinaciju na noktima.

I was on a short trip last few days and I had no internet connection so there were no posts from me. And, I have to admit that I wasn't creative at all so I'm wearing this combination for a five days.

The Huntsman

Svi koji su upoznati sa essence brendom znaju da često izbacuju limitirane kolekcije, i da se u njima može naći stvarno jedinstvenih nijansi lakova koje nisu karakteristične za drugstore brendove. Kod nas u Banjaluku (BiH) često i ne dodju sve kolekcije koje izadju, ali izgleda da su ovo ljeto nešto ažurniji nego inače pa tako je u DM-u trenutno dostupna Ready for Boarding TE a u CM-u Snow White TE. Ja ću vam danas pokazati jedan od lakova iz Snow White kolekcije (kupio mi moj D. i pošto znam da čita :*:*:*). Nijansa je 02 The Huntsman

All of you who are familiar with essence brand probably know that they often have a limited editions. In these editions you can find a really unique polish colors that are not usual for drugstore brands. Here in Banjaluka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) you can't find all the trend editions that came out, but this summer it's getting better so in DM you can find Ready for Boarding TE and in CM Snow White TE. Today I'll show you one of the polishes from the Snow White collection (my D. bought it for me and since I know he reads this :*:*:*). Shade is 02 The Huntsman.

Flormar Supershine 04

Malo sam se zasitila šarenih noktića i toga da mi lakiranje traje po 2 sata, pa ću vam u ovom postu samo pokazati jedan novi lak koji je na dobrom putu da udje medju favorite :). Ne znam kako ga do sada nisam zapazila! Flormar Supershine 04!

I'm a bit tired of colorful nails and that painting them lasts more than two hours so in this post I'll show you one beautiful nail polish :) It's on his way to become one of my favorites. I don't know how I didn't notice him earlier! Flormar Supershine 04!

Water Marble - again :)

Toliko sam bila zadovoljna prošlom manikurom da sam je nosila punih sedam dana. I ovo je prvi put da mi je bilo žao skinuti lak :D, pa sam odlučila da opet napravim water marble. Ovaj put sam radila sa kombinacijom: Catrice-Bye, bye birdy!, Flormar 311 i Golden Rose 322.

I was so satisfied with my last manicure that it was on my nails for seven days. And this is the first time that I was sorry to remove the polish :D, so I decided to make water marble again.  I used: Catrice - Bye, bye birdy!, Flormar 311 and Golden Rose 322.

Water Marble

Sinoć sam konačno uradila svoj prvi water marble. Prvo sam malo eksperimentisala sa lakovima da vidim hoće li se širiti na vodi, kombinovala boje i tek kad sam našla odgovarajuću kombinaciju bacila se na posao :) Koristila sam destilovanu vodu sobne temperature i svi su mi se lakovi širili na vodi bez problema. Za one koji ne znaju kako se water marble radi, evo jedan video tutorial. Ja sam naučila pomoću njenih tutoriala.
Lakovi koje sam koristila: Flormar 400, 424 i 408.

Last night I finally did my first water marble. First I experimented with nail polishes to see how they will spread on the water, then I combined colors and when I finally found perfect combination started to work on my nails. I used distilled water at room temperature and all nail polishes were spreading without problems. For those who don't know how to do water marble nails, here is one video tutorial. I learned how to do this from her tutorials.
Polishes I used: Flormar 400, 424 i 408

Flormar Supershine & Golden Rose Lipstick

Lak iz prošlog posta sam malo nadogradila drugim lakom, savršenim za layering i poprilično nenosivim samostalno. Kao i uvijek, lak je Flormar :). Ovaj put iz Supershine Miracle Colors kolekcije, nijansa U28.

I upgraded polish from the last post with another polish, perfect for layering and pretty much unwearable on its own. As usual, polish is Flormar :). This time it's from Supershine Miracle Colors collection, shade U28. 

Not really a neon (Flormar Neon)

Nisam pisala par dana jer sam ove sedmice imala ispit, i iako je prošao još uvijek se nisam u potpunosti oporavila od nespavanja.  Iz tog razloga, ovaj put ću vam samo pokazati jedan novi lak: Flormar Neon N009. Ovo mi je prvi lak iz Neon linije, a uzela sam ga jer mi je trebao ljubičasti lak poput Catrice- Lucky in lilac kojeg sam potrošila. Kad sam uporedila vidjela sam da nisu ni malo slični i da je dosta tamniji nego što je djelovao na štandu (valjda je do osvjetljenja). U svakom slučaju, sviđa mi se!

I haven't been writing for a few days because I had an exam this week, and although it passed I'm still not fully recovered from sleepless nights. That's why I'll only show you one new nail polish: Flormar Neon N009. This is my first nail polish from this collection. I bought it because I needed something similar to Catrice-Lucky in lilac. When I came home I saw that they are completely different :). Still, I like it very much! 

Neon Pink

Ovih dana je toliko vruće i ljeto je u pravom smislu riječi, pa sam i nokte nalakirala u skladu sa tim :) Moram da kažem da ljeto volim samo kad sam na moru i ni u kakvim drugim okolnostima. Ali, ove godine neću na more  i ostaje mi samo da čekam da dodje jesen i nešto niže temperature. 
To ipak nije razlog da ne nosim prave ljetne nijanse lakova. Sigurna sam da ste već vidjeli 1001 neon pink lak, pa sam zato svoj Flormar 407 malo ukrasila

These days are so hot, and it's summer in the proper meaning of the word, so I have done my nails according to that :) I must say I like summer only when I'm at the seaside and in no other circumstances. But this year I won't go, and I can just sit around and wait autumn to come with some lower temperatures.
Still, this is not a reason not to wear real summer colors. I'm sure you've seen 1001 neon pink polish, so I decorated a bit my Flormar 407.

Black & White with purple glitter

Sinoć nisam mogla da se odlučim koji lak da nalakiram (kao i uvijek :D), pa sam uzela crni i bijeli i iskoristila priliku da probam svoj novi Golden Rose Nail Art lakić u nijansi 111.  Evo šta sam sve koristila...

Last night I couldn't decide which nail polish to wear (as usual :D), so I took black and white and used the opportunity to try out my new Golden Rose Nail Art polish in shade 111. Here is what I used...

Flormar #400, Golden Rose Nail Art #111 and Flormar  #313 

Framed nails

Framed/outlined/border nails su jako popularni ovih dana i vidjam ih na dosta blogova koje pratim. Sam naziv bih prevela kao uokvireni ili uramljeni nokti :).
Uokviriti nokte možete na razne načine: šljokicama, tačkicama, gliterom, lakom itd. Ja sam radila klasični okvir sa lakom, i koristila sam metodu koju sam smatrala najjednostavnijom. Ispod je mali tutorial u slikama...

Framed/outlined/border nails are very popular these days. I've seen it on lots of blogs I follow. You can frame nails in many different ways: with glitter, dots, lines, polish, etc. I did it with polish, using a method I considered the simplest. You can see a little picture tutorial below...

Teal with sparkle

Izgleda da u zadnje vrijeme post ne može proći bez da se žalim na nešto :). Ovaj put su to muke sa fotografijama, odnosno "hvatanjem" realne boje laka. Svi koji su nekad slikali plavi, ljubičasti ili zeleni lak će vjerovatno znati o čemu pričam. A gori od te tri boje može biti samo lak koji je nešto izmedju zelene ili plave. Moram da kažem da sam pokušala sa dva fotoaparata i telefonom i nije mi uspjelo... Ali mi je uprkos tome bilo žao da vam ne pokažem nove šljokice i jedan od omiljenih lakova.

Seems that lately posts are not complete without complaining about something :) This time I had troubles with photographing the real color of varnish. Everyone who was once photographed blue, purple or green nail polish will probably know what I mean. A worse than these three colors can be just polish that is something between green and blue. I must say that I tried with two cameras and a telephone and did not succeed ...But, I was sorry not to show you my new glitter polish and one of my favorite cream polishes.

I made it golden

Uh, postaje naporno smišljati naslove :) Pogotovo kad ti lakovi najčešće nemaju imena, i kada ne znaš da li na noktima trenutno imaš glitter sandwich ili obični layering. Bilo kako bilo, ja trenutno na noktima imam ova tri laka sa slike: Flormar 408, Essence-Make it golden i Flormar 412. 

Uh, it becomes difficult  to think of headlines :) Especially when your nail polishes don't have names, and when you don't know are you wearing glitter sandwich or a simple layering manicure. Either way, I'm currently wearing these three nail polishes from the picture below: Flormar 408, Essence-Make it golden and Flormar 412.

Black and pink

Prvo moram da se požalim da mi je plavi lak iz prošlog posta ostavio mrlje na noktima. Ranije mi se to nikada nije dešavalo kada imam bazni lak. Imala sam ga i ovaj put, ali čini mi se da je problem bio u tome što sam morala da skidam šljokice pomoću folije. Pretpostavljam da se ispod folije sve rastopilo, i da su tada nastale mrlje. Nokti su mi ispod sadašnje manikure totalno plavi, i ne znam šta da radim sa tim. Mislim da ću i večeras skidati lak, i stavljati nešto novo iz tog razloga.
Da ne zamaram dalje svojim "problemima", evo sinoćnje izvedbe :) 
Kao što sam i spomenula, htjela sam da uradim one linijice iz ovog posta na svim noktima. Opet sam koristila Flormar lakove, ovaj put br. 313 (crni) i 408 (rozi). Nanijela sam dva sloja crnog laka, i nakon što se osušio dodala roze linije metodom iz ovog tutoriala.  Mislim da ne izgleda loše, samo je stvarno naporno za očistiti jer laka bude ispod noktiju, po prstima, na kožici.... ma svuda. Još uvijek su mi prsti blago roze boje :)

First I must complain that the blue polish from the last post stained my nails. It never happened to me before when I have a base coat. I had it this time too, but I think problem was that i had to take off all the glitter with the foil method. I quess it all melt down under the foil and stained my nails. They are completely blue under the manicure, and I don't know what to do with them. I think I'll just take off this mani tonight, and try to remove the stains again. 
I don't want to bother you with my problems anymore, so here's the mani :)
Like I mentioned, I wanted to do those thin lines from this post on all of my nails. Again, I used Flormar nail polishes. These time No.313 (black) i 408 (pink). I applied two coats of black nail poslish, and when it was almost dry I added pink lines using the method from this tutorial. I think it looks ok, just the cleaninig after is very annoying. You have nail polsih under the nails, on your fingers,'s everywhere. My fingers are still pink :)

Sparkle touch

Lak iz jučerašnjeg posta nije izdržao ni 24 sata na noktima :). Zamijenila sam ga kombinacijom Catrice Blue Cara Ciao (br.400) laka i šljokičastog nadlaka Miss Sporty Sparkle Touch. Sparkle Touch sam kupila prije nekoliko mjeseci, a evo tek sada je došao na red. Zainteresovao me je jer sadrži holografske čestice koje me podsjećaju na moj omiljeni nadlak Hello Holo od essence-a. Pored ovih holografskih čestica, sadrži i plave i roze šljokice. Ima najširu četkicu koju sam u životu vidjela :)

Polish from the yesterday's post didn't took long on my nails :). I replaced it after 24 hours with combination of Catrice Blue Cara Ciao (No 400) and Miss Sporty Sparkle Touch topper. I bought Sparkle Touch a few months ago, but I didn't wore it until now. I was attracted by his holographic particles that remind me of my favorite topper Hello Holo by essence. Beside the holographic sparkles, it contains blue and rose glitter.  It has the widest brush that I have ever seen :)

Shimmery red nails

Sinoć sam pokušala da napravim gradient manikuru. Htjela sam da bude kombinacija svijetlo ljubičaste i tamno ljubičaste, ali pošto mi se jedini svijetlo ljubičasti lak koji imam zgusnuo  pokušaj je propao. Za dalje isprobavanje kombinacija nisam imala živaca jer je već bio jedan sat poslije ponoći :), tako da sam odlučila da vam pokažem novi crveni lakić. Prelijep na suncu, i savršen za vruće ljetne dane - Flormar True Color 004 (opet Flormar :D). Sadrži sitni zlatni i srebrni shimmer najviše vidljiv na direktnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti ali i na vještačkom osvjetljenju. Sigurna sam da bi odlično izgledao na curama sa tamnijom kožom.

Last night I tried to do gradient manicure. I wanted it to be the combination of lilac and dark purple nail polish, but since the only lilac nail polish I own turned clumpy, gradient failed :(. I had no nerves for trying more combinations, so I decided to show you my new red nail polish. It's beautiful in sunlight and perfect for this hot summer days - Flormar True Color 004 (Flormar again :D). Contains golden and silver shimmer most visible on direct sunlight and artificial lightning. I'm sure it would look great on girls with darker skin tones. 

Minty manicure

Baš kad pomislim da su sve tehnike lakiranja i ukrašavanja noktiju izmišljene i da prosto više nema šta da se doda, naletim na ovaj tutorial. Mislila sam da mi neće uspjeti, pa sam se odlučila da napravim samo na jednom noktu (obe ruke, naravno). Ali kada sam se uvjerila kako je lako i kako dobro izgleda definitivno ću sledeći put uraditi na svim noktima.

Koristila sam Flormar 424 (minty) i Flormar 313 (crni). Ne zamjerite što vrlo često koristim njihove lakove :) Njih najviše imam, imaju nevjerovatan izbor nijansi a i cijena je više nego odgovarajuća. Još mi je njihova radnja usput, i šteta je kad već prolazim da ne uzmem koji :D.

Just when I thought that all the techniques of painting and decorating your nails have been invented and that's impossible to make up something new, I stumbled across this tutorial. I was convinced that it's not going to be good, so I decided to make the design only on my fingernail (both hands, of course). But, when I saw how easy it is I'll definitely give it another shot on all my nails.

I used Flormar 424 (minty) and Flormar 313 (black). Do not mind that I very often use their nail polishes :) They have a tremendous variety of shades and the price is more than adequate. I'm very often near the Flormar shop, and when you're near you can't just pass them by  :D

Purple is my color

Najviše lakova imam upravo u ljubičastoj boji. Ona je donekle i kriva što sam postala "skupljačica" lakova :). Tražila sam po netu savršen ljubičasti lak i završila sa punim folderom slika lakova u raznim bojama koje je SAMO trebalo kupiti... Ali ljubičasta je još uvijek No.1 medju bojama! 
Za ovu manikuru sam koristila dva ljubičasta laka i jedan zlatni za nail art: Flormar Supershine Miracle U08, Golden Rose Paris 54 i Flormar Nail Art NA10.

The most nail polishes I own are in purple color. It's this color's fault that I became nail polish addict :). I was looking for the perfect purple nail polish and at the end there was a folder full of nail polish pictures in different colors which ONLY needed to be bought... But, purple is still No.1 color!
For this manicure I used two purple polishes and one golden for nail art: Flormar Supershine Miracle U08, Golden Rose Paris 54 and Flormar Nail Art NA10.

Almost perfect nude and something

Ovih dana malo odmaram od boja. Ne znam kako vi, ali ja često nosim lakove u skladu sa raspoloženjem :). A s obzirom na to kako sam raspoložena, najbolje bi mi odgovarala crna :). Ipak, za trenutnu manikuru odabrala sam nešto što ne upada u oči, a lijepo izgleda. Čini mi se da mi nokti najelegantnije izgledaju sa nude i crvenim lakovima... Napisala sam u naslovu da je lak skoro savršen, a razlog tome je to što mu trebaju 3 sloja da bi boja bila koliko toliko ujednačena. I to nije problem u pigmentaciji, jer bi sa dva normalna sloja mogao potpuno da prekrije već se nekako neravnomjeno nanosi što je često slučaj sa pastelnim nijansama. Šteta, jer je boja savršena. Lak je Catrice Moulin Rouge Light, br.050.

These days I'm wearing something that's not so colorful. My nail color sometimes reflects my mood. And since I'm not in the best mood the best choice for me would probably be black :) However, for my current manicure I have chosen something that's not that much eye catching but still looks nice. It seams to me that my nails look most elegant with red and nude nail polishes. I wrote in the title that polish is almost perfect, and the reason is that he needs three layers for even coverage. Pigmentation is not a problem, because he could cover the nail with two normal layers. It's his uneven application :( which is common to pastel shades. To bad, because the shade is perfect. Nail polish is Catrice- Moulin Rouge Light, No.050.

Magnetic Twist - The last one :)

Najljepše sam čuvala za kraj :) Ne mora značiti da će i vama baš ovaj biti najljepši, ali je definitivno moj favorit. Nijansa MG05. Nanijela sam samo jedan deblji sloj laka. Podlak i nadlak su isti svaki put: Eveline 8u1 i Essence-BTGN (od njega se ovoliko sija). Kao i obično, slikala sam na različitim osvjetljenjima. Trudim se da to uvijek radim, jer i sama kad tražim swatcheve lakova najviše volim kada blogerice stave više fotografija slikanih u različitim uslovima. Nadam se da vam to ne smeta :)

I saved the best for the end :) It doesn't have to mean that it's gonna be the same to you, but it's definitely my favorite. It's MG05 shade. As usual, I applied one thicker coat of nail polish. Base coat and top coat are still the same: Eveline 8in1 and Essence-BTGN (it gives beautiful shine). Pictures were taken in different lightning conditions. 

Flormar Magnetic Twist MG02

Do sada sam vam predstavila dvije od četiri nijanse koje posjedujem, a danas je došao na red lakić MG02 :) Ovaj mi je nekako najmanje drag od svih, valjda zato što nije najsretnija nijansa za moj hladni podton kože. Što nikako ne znači da nije lijep, naprotiv! Mislim da bi super stajao curama sa toplim podtonom. 

So far I presented you two of four shades I own, and today I'm going to show you MG02. This shade isn't my cup of tea, I guess that's because my skin have a cold undertone. It doesn't mean that the polish isn't beautiful, I just think it would look better on girls with warm skin tone. 
Evo i par sličica... na različitim osvjetljenjima.
Here is a few photos....on different lightening.

Night in Vegas

Evo jednog laka koji posjeduju skoro sve one koje se nazivaju lakoholičarkama :). Essence Special Effect Topper- Night in Vegas. Moram priznati da mi se ispočetka nije svidjao, ali kad sam ga vidjela na essence polici pomislila sam: "Ma kupiću ga čisto da vidim šta je to toliko posebno u njemu kad ga skoro svi imaju!" I sada kada ga imam, želim još flejkija :)

Here is one nail polish that almost every girl who call herself a polish addict owns :) Essence Special Effect Topper- Night in Vegas. I must admit that I didn't like it in the beginning, but when I saw it at essence shelf I thought: "I'll buy it just to see what's so special about it!" And now, when he's mine I WANT more flakies.

Sada vjerujem blogericama koje kažu da se njegova ljepota ne može uslikati.

And I believe those bloggers who said that beauty of this polish can't be shown on photos.

Pink accent manicure

Današnju manikiru sam radila za tematske nokte na  jednom forumu. Vrlo je jednostavna za napraviti, i sviđa mi se konačan rezultat. Koristila sam: Eveline 8u1, flormar supershine lak u nijansi 21, essence BTGN i neke pink šljokice ( za koje nemam pojma odakle mi :)). 

I made this manicure for themed nails on forum. It is very simple, but very effective and I am satisfied with the result. For making this manicure I used: eveline 8in1, flormar supershine nail polish in shade 21, essence BTGN and some pink glitter.