Kao što sam i obećala u prošlom postu, danas vam donosim swatcheve Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lakova. Nisam htjela da ih pokazujem posebno jer nemam namjeru da ih nosim bez podloge. Razlog je to što ne volim da se vidi nokat ispod laka, a i toliko mi se sviđaju da mi je prosto šteta trošiti puno laka na jedno lakiranje :D.
A evo i koje sam odabrala...
Like I said in my previous post, today I bring you swatches of my Golden Rose Jolly Jewels nail polishes. I didn't want to swatch them individually because I don't intend to wear them on their own. The reason is that I don't like when you can see the nail through nail polish, and I like these beauties so much that I don't want to waste them by applying multiple coats :D
Here are the ones I chose...