U paketu koji sam nedavno dobila od Ovnak d.o.o. našla su se dva Essence I love trends - The Nudes laka u nijansama 05 Pure Soul i 07 Hope for love, i danas je njihovo predstavljanje došlo na red.
I love trends - The Nudes trenutno broji osam nijansi, od kojih je jedna šljokičasta i pretpostavljam da je predviđena da se nosi kao nadlak. Dolaze u valjkastim bočicama, sličnim onim kod Catrice lakova, samo što su nešto manji i sadrže 8ml proizvoda. Imaju pljosnatu četkicu prosječne širine koja meni odgovara jer mi je lako izvući onaj čuveni luk pri korijenu nokta i nemam potrebe za popravljanjem kistom. Preporučena cijena ovih lakova je 3,75 KM (oko 2 EUR)
ENG: In the package I recently received from Ovnak were two Essence I love trends - The Nudes nail polishes in shades 05 Pure Soul and 07 Hope for love, so you can read my opinion on them in this post.
I love trends - The Nudes collection currently counts eight different shades. One of them is glittery and I presume that it's supposed to be top coat. They come in a cylindrical shaped bottles, similar to the Catrice ones, just a bit smaller. There is 8ml of nail polish in it. The brush is flat, average width and it works great with my nails. Applies nail polish perfectly around the cuticle area, so I don't have to clean up after polishing. The recommended price for these nail polishes is around 2 EUR.