Black & White with purple glitter

Sinoć nisam mogla da se odlučim koji lak da nalakiram (kao i uvijek :D), pa sam uzela crni i bijeli i iskoristila priliku da probam svoj novi Golden Rose Nail Art lakić u nijansi 111.  Evo šta sam sve koristila...

Last night I couldn't decide which nail polish to wear (as usual :D), so I took black and white and used the opportunity to try out my new Golden Rose Nail Art polish in shade 111. Here is what I used...

Flormar #400, Golden Rose Nail Art #111 and Flormar  #313 

Framed nails

Framed/outlined/border nails su jako popularni ovih dana i vidjam ih na dosta blogova koje pratim. Sam naziv bih prevela kao uokvireni ili uramljeni nokti :).
Uokviriti nokte možete na razne načine: šljokicama, tačkicama, gliterom, lakom itd. Ja sam radila klasični okvir sa lakom, i koristila sam metodu koju sam smatrala najjednostavnijom. Ispod je mali tutorial u slikama...

Framed/outlined/border nails are very popular these days. I've seen it on lots of blogs I follow. You can frame nails in many different ways: with glitter, dots, lines, polish, etc. I did it with polish, using a method I considered the simplest. You can see a little picture tutorial below...

Teal with sparkle

Izgleda da u zadnje vrijeme post ne može proći bez da se žalim na nešto :). Ovaj put su to muke sa fotografijama, odnosno "hvatanjem" realne boje laka. Svi koji su nekad slikali plavi, ljubičasti ili zeleni lak će vjerovatno znati o čemu pričam. A gori od te tri boje može biti samo lak koji je nešto izmedju zelene ili plave. Moram da kažem da sam pokušala sa dva fotoaparata i telefonom i nije mi uspjelo... Ali mi je uprkos tome bilo žao da vam ne pokažem nove šljokice i jedan od omiljenih lakova.

Seems that lately posts are not complete without complaining about something :) This time I had troubles with photographing the real color of varnish. Everyone who was once photographed blue, purple or green nail polish will probably know what I mean. A worse than these three colors can be just polish that is something between green and blue. I must say that I tried with two cameras and a telephone and did not succeed ...But, I was sorry not to show you my new glitter polish and one of my favorite cream polishes.

I made it golden

Uh, postaje naporno smišljati naslove :) Pogotovo kad ti lakovi najčešće nemaju imena, i kada ne znaš da li na noktima trenutno imaš glitter sandwich ili obični layering. Bilo kako bilo, ja trenutno na noktima imam ova tri laka sa slike: Flormar 408, Essence-Make it golden i Flormar 412. 

Uh, it becomes difficult  to think of headlines :) Especially when your nail polishes don't have names, and when you don't know are you wearing glitter sandwich or a simple layering manicure. Either way, I'm currently wearing these three nail polishes from the picture below: Flormar 408, Essence-Make it golden and Flormar 412.

Black and pink

Prvo moram da se požalim da mi je plavi lak iz prošlog posta ostavio mrlje na noktima. Ranije mi se to nikada nije dešavalo kada imam bazni lak. Imala sam ga i ovaj put, ali čini mi se da je problem bio u tome što sam morala da skidam šljokice pomoću folije. Pretpostavljam da se ispod folije sve rastopilo, i da su tada nastale mrlje. Nokti su mi ispod sadašnje manikure totalno plavi, i ne znam šta da radim sa tim. Mislim da ću i večeras skidati lak, i stavljati nešto novo iz tog razloga.
Da ne zamaram dalje svojim "problemima", evo sinoćnje izvedbe :) 
Kao što sam i spomenula, htjela sam da uradim one linijice iz ovog posta na svim noktima. Opet sam koristila Flormar lakove, ovaj put br. 313 (crni) i 408 (rozi). Nanijela sam dva sloja crnog laka, i nakon što se osušio dodala roze linije metodom iz ovog tutoriala.  Mislim da ne izgleda loše, samo je stvarno naporno za očistiti jer laka bude ispod noktiju, po prstima, na kožici.... ma svuda. Još uvijek su mi prsti blago roze boje :)

First I must complain that the blue polish from the last post stained my nails. It never happened to me before when I have a base coat. I had it this time too, but I think problem was that i had to take off all the glitter with the foil method. I quess it all melt down under the foil and stained my nails. They are completely blue under the manicure, and I don't know what to do with them. I think I'll just take off this mani tonight, and try to remove the stains again. 
I don't want to bother you with my problems anymore, so here's the mani :)
Like I mentioned, I wanted to do those thin lines from this post on all of my nails. Again, I used Flormar nail polishes. These time No.313 (black) i 408 (pink). I applied two coats of black nail poslish, and when it was almost dry I added pink lines using the method from this tutorial. I think it looks ok, just the cleaninig after is very annoying. You have nail polsih under the nails, on your fingers,'s everywhere. My fingers are still pink :)

Sparkle touch

Lak iz jučerašnjeg posta nije izdržao ni 24 sata na noktima :). Zamijenila sam ga kombinacijom Catrice Blue Cara Ciao (br.400) laka i šljokičastog nadlaka Miss Sporty Sparkle Touch. Sparkle Touch sam kupila prije nekoliko mjeseci, a evo tek sada je došao na red. Zainteresovao me je jer sadrži holografske čestice koje me podsjećaju na moj omiljeni nadlak Hello Holo od essence-a. Pored ovih holografskih čestica, sadrži i plave i roze šljokice. Ima najširu četkicu koju sam u životu vidjela :)

Polish from the yesterday's post didn't took long on my nails :). I replaced it after 24 hours with combination of Catrice Blue Cara Ciao (No 400) and Miss Sporty Sparkle Touch topper. I bought Sparkle Touch a few months ago, but I didn't wore it until now. I was attracted by his holographic particles that remind me of my favorite topper Hello Holo by essence. Beside the holographic sparkles, it contains blue and rose glitter.  It has the widest brush that I have ever seen :)

Shimmery red nails

Sinoć sam pokušala da napravim gradient manikuru. Htjela sam da bude kombinacija svijetlo ljubičaste i tamno ljubičaste, ali pošto mi se jedini svijetlo ljubičasti lak koji imam zgusnuo  pokušaj je propao. Za dalje isprobavanje kombinacija nisam imala živaca jer je već bio jedan sat poslije ponoći :), tako da sam odlučila da vam pokažem novi crveni lakić. Prelijep na suncu, i savršen za vruće ljetne dane - Flormar True Color 004 (opet Flormar :D). Sadrži sitni zlatni i srebrni shimmer najviše vidljiv na direktnoj sunčevoj svjetlosti ali i na vještačkom osvjetljenju. Sigurna sam da bi odlično izgledao na curama sa tamnijom kožom.

Last night I tried to do gradient manicure. I wanted it to be the combination of lilac and dark purple nail polish, but since the only lilac nail polish I own turned clumpy, gradient failed :(. I had no nerves for trying more combinations, so I decided to show you my new red nail polish. It's beautiful in sunlight and perfect for this hot summer days - Flormar True Color 004 (Flormar again :D). Contains golden and silver shimmer most visible on direct sunlight and artificial lightning. I'm sure it would look great on girls with darker skin tones.