Kao veliki ljubitelj ljubičastih i šljokičastih lakova jako sam se obradovala kada sam ugledala ova dva Catrice ljepotana među proizvodima koje sam dobila na recenziju od Ovnak d.o.o. Oba su dio jesenje/zimske dopune asortimana brenda Catrice.
#65 Be My Violetine je dio standardne Catrice kolekcije lakova koji dolaze u prepoznatljivim valjkastim bočicama i koji krase police već par godina sa čestim izmjenana nijansi. U jednoj od izmjena prije godinu, dvije, promjenili su i četkicu koja bi sada trebala da omogući jednostavnije i preciznije nanošenje, ali meni je samo napravila probleme. Nikako nisam mogla da se izborim sa njom, a kako mi je ovo prvi Catrice lak nakon te promjene, prosto to moram da spomenem.
As a big fan of purple and glittery shades, I was very exited when I saw these two beauties among the products I received from Ovnak d.o.o.. Both of them are part of Catrice autumn/winter collection update.
#65 Be My Violetine is part of the standard nail polish collection by Catrice, and I suppose you already know they come in round bottles and that they are on the shelves for a few years now, with frequent shade updates. In one of those updates they changed the brush, and it's supposed to be much easier to use, but for me it only caused problems. I could not handle with it, and since this is my first Catrice nail polish after the change I just have to mention it.