U svojoj kolekciji nemam baš mnogo neon pink lakova, a nije da ih ne volim :). Razlog je to što su većinom rijetki i što im za potpuno pokrivanje treba najmanje 3 sloja, a sa tim dolazi i sporo sušenje i brzo pucanje laka.
Ali, kada sam vidjela da u Holiday kolekciji postoji takav jedan primjerak, koji je pritom teksturisan, znala sam da ga moram imati. Dakle, Golden Rose Holiday 75.
ENG: I don't have a lot of neon pink in my collection, and it's not that I don't like them :). I suppose the reason for that is that they often have a very thin consistency, so for full coverage you have to apply at least three coats. Also, they dry really slowly, considering the number of layers and at the very end they don't last long on nails.
But, when I saw that Holiday collection has a neon pink, which is, by the way, textured, I knew I had to have it. So, here is Golden Rose Holiday 75.