Ovaj protekli period je, vjerujem, većini bio prilično težak... Ni ja nisam bila izuzetak, i iako je poplava zaobišla moju kuću, neke od bližih članova porodice nije, tako da nisam imala ni volje ni vremena da pišem postove.
Sada kada se sve polako vraća u normalu i nokti se oporavljaju od čišćenja, možemo nastaviti da pričamo o noktima, lakovima itd. ...
Ali, prije nego što vam pokažem lak iz naslova, moram se "pohvaliti" da sam nedavno napisala saradnički post za jedan od najčitanijih blogova u BiH, MakeUp Arena, pa ukoliko vas zanima moja trenutna rutina njege noktiju zavirite u ovaj post (klik).
A sada malo o Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 123...
Last month was a pretty tough for the most of us, I believe... I was no exception, and although the flood spared my house, some of my family members didn't, so I didn't have time or will to write posts.
Now, when everything going back to normal and my nails are recovering from cleaning, we can talk about polishes...
And, before I show you nail polish from the title, I have to share with you that I wrote a post for one of the best beauty blogs in my country, Make Up Arena, so if you want to know how I'm taking care of my nails check out this post (click)... It's in Serbian language, but you can always use Google Translate ;)
And, about that Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 123...
Now, when everything going back to normal and my nails are recovering from cleaning, we can talk about polishes...
And, before I show you nail polish from the title, I have to share with you that I wrote a post for one of the best beauty blogs in my country, Make Up Arena, so if you want to know how I'm taking care of my nails check out this post (click)... It's in Serbian language, but you can always use Google Translate ;)
And, about that Golden Rose Jolly Jewels 123...