Golden Rose Holiday 70

U proteklih mjesec dana pisala sam vam o dva Holiday laka (66 i 78), međutim oni su bili nekako više ljetni i prigodni tadašnjim vremenskim prilikama. A sada, kada su nam se zima i snijeg vratili, pravo je vrijeme za lakove poput Golden Rose Holiday 70. Ja najčešće nisam sklona dijeljenju lakova po godišnjim dobima, ali ovo je jednostavno jedan od onih koji asociraju na snijeg...

In the past month I wrote about two Golden Rose Holiday nail polishes (66 and 78), but they were kind of more spring/summer colors that fit with weather occasions back then. And now, when winter and snow came back, it's time for varnishes like Golden Rose Holiday 70. I'm usually not the person who classifies varnishes by seasons, but this is the one which simply reminds of snow...

Manhattan Pastel Pretties 004

Prije par dana sam na poklon dobila nekoliko lakova među kojima je bio i ovaj Manhattan Pastel Pretties 004 koji ćete danas vidjeti. Do sada nisam imala zaista ni jedan Manhattan lak i nisam u toku sa asortimanom, ali sam malo pronjuškala po internetu i našla da je Pastel Pretties limitirana kolekcija iz maja prošle godine. Dio kolekcije namjenjen noktima činile su četiri pastelne nijanse lakova, od kojih sam dobila još i nijansu 003 koju ću vam pokazati u nekom od narednih postova.

A couple of days ago I got a few varnishes as a gift. Among them, there was this Manhattan Pastel Pretties 004 which you'll see today. So far, in my collection I didn't have any Manhattan nail polishes, and I'm not familiar with the assortment. But, I found on the internet that the Pastel Pretties was a limited edition from May last year. As for the nails, that part of the collection consisted of four pastel shades nail polish, of which I also got shade 003 and you'll be able to see it in one of my next posts.


U zadnjem paketiću koji sam dobila sa KKCenterhk bili su i ovi preslatki leptirići koje ćete moći vidjeti u nastavku posta.  Leptirići su zapravo vodene naljepnice koje sam izabrala jer sam bila jako zadovoljna prethodnim koje sam vam pokazala u ovom postu, a evo kako sam ih iskombinovala...

In the last package I received from KKCenterhk were these cute little butterflies which you can see  in the post below. Butterflies are actually water decals which I choose because I was very satisfied with the ones from this post. Here's how I combined them...

Golden Rose Holiday 78

Drugi lak iz Golden Rose Holiday kolekcije koji ću vam pokazati je broj 78. Na prvi pogled nijansa mi je djelovala kao pastelna narandžasta sa raznobojnim sitnim shimmerom. Ali, na noktima izgleda dosta drugačije. Kao da je u pitanju drugi lak...
Pastelna boja iz bočice, na noktu se pretvara u jednu intenzivnu mat, skoro neon, narandžastu boju a shimmer misteriozno nestaje i pojavljuje se tek u vidu zlatnih čestica samo na vještačkom svjetlu. Baš kao pravi pjesak.

The second nail polish from a Golden Rose Holiday collection I'm going to show you is number 78. At the first sight it looked like a pastel orange with multicolored shimmer. But, on the nails, it looks totally different. As it was another nail polish...
Pastel from the bottle becomes intense matte, almost neon, orange color, and the shimmer shows up in the form of gold particles only in artificial light. Like the real sand.

Golden Rose Holiday 66

Jako je malo lakova koje imam a da su me oduševili kao ovaj koji ću vam danas pokazati. Iz naslova ste već mogli vidjeti da se radi o Golden Rose Holiday 66 laku, koji je dio kolekcije teksturisanih/pješčanih lakova. Holiday kolekcija je stara već nekoliko mjeseci, i za sada broji oko 40 nijansi. Dolaze u bočicama istim kao kod GR magnetnih lakova, ali im srebrni čep daje nešto elegantniji izgled. Sadrže 11,3 ml proizvoda i četkicu koja nije ona standardna metlasta a nije ni široka kao kod Rich Color lakova. U svakom slučaju, meni odlično radi posao pa nakon lakiranja nemam puno posla oko čišćenja.

There are a very few nail polishes I own that impressed me like the one I'm going to show you today. You could already see from the title that it's about Golden Rose Holiday 66, which is part of the textured/sand collection. Holiday collection is a few months old, and currently has about 40 different shades. Polishes come in the same bottles like GR Magnetic, but the silver cap gives them a bit more elegant look. Bottle contains 11,3 ml of the product and the brush that is not the standard one, but not as wide as in Rich Color varnishes.
Anyway, it makes the application very easy and leaves almost nothing to clean after painting.

Golden Rose 3D Glaze Top Coat

Danas ću vam pokazati još jedan novitet među mojim lakovima koji već neko vrijeme čeka na red. Riječ je o Golden Rose 3D Glaze Top Coat laku u nijansi 05. 3D Glaze je jedna od novijih kolekcija i sastoji se od 14 nijansi koje su predviđene da se nose kao nadlak. 
Nijansa 05 se sastoji od srebrnog i holo glitera u providnoj rozoj bazi. Ja sam je odmah zamislila u kombinaciji sa nekim tamnim lakom. Evo kako je ispala kombinacija...

Today I'm going to show you another new nail polish which has been waiting for its turn for quite a while. It's Golden Rose 3D Glaze Top Coat 05. 3D Glaze is one of the new collections and its made of 14 shades that are made to be used as a top coat. 
Shade 05 is made of silver and holo glitter in a sheer pinkish base, and I thought it would be perfect over some dark nail polish. Here's my combination...