Još jedna neplanirana pauza je iza mene. Nadam se da ih više neće biti, bar ne u ovoj mjeri... Razlog za ovu zadnju je to što sam ostala bez punjača za laptop. Jako mi je nedostajalo pisanje postova, ali i čitanje mnoštva blogova koje pratim.
Kako god, danas prekidam ovu pauzu sa jednim novim članom moje kolekcije. Radi se o Golden Rose laku iz Selective kolekcije a nijansa se zove Fruit Sherbet. Selective je jedna od novijih kolekcija iz Golden Rose kozmetičke kuće i sastoji se od čak 62 nijanse. Posebno mi je drago što lakovi u ovoj kolekciji imaju imena, a ne samo brojeve kao što smo navikli.
Bočice na prvi pogled podsjećaju na one kod OPI lakova, ali zapravo su kada se gledaju odozgo trokutaste. Sadrže čak 16ml laka, pa je samim tim ovo najveći lak koji posjedujem :).
Another big pause is behind me. I hope that there will be no more, at least not this big...The reason for the last one is that my laptop charger died :). I really missed posting and reading many blogs I follow.
However, today I'll break this pause with one of my new nail polishes. It's Golden Rose nail polish from the Selective collection in shade Fruit Sherbet. Selective is one of the new Golden Rose collections and it consists of 62 shades. I'm really glad that they have given names to all the shades. We are used to numbered lacquers from Golden Rose, so this is a great change.
Bottles can look like the OPI ones, but they are actually a triangle shaped. They contain even 16ml of nail polish.
However, today I'll break this pause with one of my new nail polishes. It's Golden Rose nail polish from the Selective collection in shade Fruit Sherbet. Selective is one of the new Golden Rose collections and it consists of 62 shades. I'm really glad that they have given names to all the shades. We are used to numbered lacquers from Golden Rose, so this is a great change.
Bottles can look like the OPI ones, but they are actually a triangle shaped. They contain even 16ml of nail polish.