Striping Tape Manicure

Ranije sam spominjala kako sam kupila trakice za nail art, a prvi pokušaj sa njima ste mogli da vidite u ovom postu. Naravno, desio se još jedan pokušaj i to sa nešto više trakica nego prošli put...

I have previously mentioned that I bought striping tape for nail art, and you could see my first attempt with them in this post. Of course, I had to try again. This time I used more stripes than the last time...

Flormar 394

Flormar 394 je definitivno jedan od "must have" lakova iz Flormar asortimana. Jedan od onih za koje nije baš lako naći zamjenu kod drugih brendova. Ja ga imam već par godina i obično ga koristim preko nekog laka ili za nail art. Ali, ovaj put sam se odlučila da ga nosim samostalno jer bi bilo šteta da takvu ljepotu ne podijelim sa vama prije nego ga potrošim :). 

Flormar 394 is definitely one of the "must have" varnishes from Flormar assortment. One of those for which is not very easy to find a replacement with other brands. I have it for a few years and I usually use it for layering or nail art. But, this time I wanted to wear it on its own because it would be really shame not to show you this beauty before bottle goes empty :). 

Nude/Brown Gradient Nails

Već neko vrijeme nisam radila gradient nokte pa sam u nedostatku bolje ideje ponovo posegnula za spužvicom i bacila se na lakiranje. Prvo sam nanijela dva sloja Golden Rose Rich Color 05 laka, sačekala da se osuši u potpunosti, a zatim koristeći malo parče spužvice (kuhinjske) i OPI Wooden Shoe Likes To Know lak napravila postepeni prelaz prema prema vrhu nokta. Rezultat mi se učinio pomalo dosadnim, pa sam dodala dva sloja Essence The Huntsman (Snow White kolekcija) laka. 
Evo i slike...

I didn't do any gradient nails for a while so I reached for some sponge and started painting my nails. First I applied two coats of Golden Rose Rich Color 05, waited for it to dry and then added OPI Wooden Shoe Likes To Know on the tips of my nails using the kitchen sponge. It looked kind of boring so I added two coats of Essence The Huntsman (Snow White collection) nail polish.
Here are the photos...

No name manicure

Kao što naslov kaže, manikir koji ćete danas vidjeti nema naziv a i nije baš uobičajen. Nastao je u nekim mojim momentima kada eksperimentišem sa lakovima pa mi svaki nokat izgleda drugačije :).
Pošto sam jako zadovoljna i nestrpljiva da vam pokažem rezultate, odmah ću preći na slike...

As the title says, manicure that you will see today has no name and it's not very common. It was created in one of those moments when I'm experimenting with varnishes, and when every single nail looks totally different :).
Since I'm very satisfied with the result I can't wait to show you pictures, here they are...