Baš kad pomislim da su sve tehnike lakiranja i ukrašavanja noktiju izmišljene i da prosto više nema šta da se doda, naletim na ovaj tutorial. Mislila sam da mi neće uspjeti, pa sam se odlučila da napravim samo na jednom noktu (obe ruke, naravno). Ali kada sam se uvjerila kako je lako i kako dobro izgleda definitivno ću sledeći put uraditi na svim noktima.
Koristila sam Flormar 424 (minty) i Flormar 313 (crni). Ne zamjerite što vrlo često koristim njihove lakove :) Njih najviše imam, imaju nevjerovatan izbor nijansi a i cijena je više nego odgovarajuća. Još mi je njihova radnja usput, i šteta je kad već prolazim da ne uzmem koji :D.
Just when I thought that all the techniques of painting and decorating your nails have been invented and that's impossible to make up something new, I stumbled across this tutorial. I was convinced that it's not going to be good, so I decided to make the design only on my fingernail (both hands, of course). But, when I saw how easy it is I'll definitely give it another shot on all my nails.
I used Flormar 424 (minty) and Flormar 313 (black). Do not mind that I very often use their nail polishes :) They have a tremendous variety of shades and the price is more than adequate. I'm very often near the Flormar shop, and when you're near you can't just pass them by :D